Finding Bliss after Burnout
Welcome to Finding Bliss after Burnout Podcast. This is a space where I’ll be sharing everything from health, wealth, happiness, mindset, manifestation and my very own journey in finding bliss after burnout. I’m your host Michelle Gordon, nurse of 24 years, mum of 3 children NLP practitioner, life coach and entrepreneur.. Just a few years ago I fell into the darkness of overwhelm and burnout but have since gone on to create the most abundant, expansive and fulfilling life. Get ready to become ignited and empowered as I take you on a journey to make a bigger impact on the world, take back control and transform your life.
Finding Bliss after Burnout
Ep 26 - My 4 Secrets to Living a Successful and Fulfilling Life
Michelle Gordon
Season 1
Episode 26
As 2022 draws to an end, I've spent some time recently sitting in gratitude on the achievements and success that I've had in my life over the last twelve months. And also over the last four years, I've realized how life just gets better and better. And I've thought about what are the habits and what are the things that I have embodied that have really contributed to those achievements? And I came up with four things that I now live by, which really are the secrets to living a successful and fulfilling life. In this episode, I will be sharing with you my four secrets that you can implement today that will help you too, to reach greater success and happiness.